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When he left for London eighteen months ago I cried terribly, only my friend Summer understood how I really felt. So when I needed to run somewhere and start over I called Scott and asked him what to do. To my utter amazement twenty minutes later I found myself agreeing to move to London. My grandmother and mother are Scottish, a fact both my mom and dad are very proud of, which is why we all hold dual nationality. Funny to think that technically I was British, yet here I am on my first visit. Walking out the door, I didn't feel so much like I was leaving her completely alone.The drive back was peaceful. I drove with the windows down and the radio off, just listening to my thoughts. In the hours since Amy's collapse, I hadn't had much time to think. We did end up going to Davenforth's after all, though none of us ate much. There was just nothing else to do. We didn't want to go home and stare at the four walls. We picked at salads and the girls talked about how wonderful Ron had. Her pace began to quicken as her lust fire raged inside her soon growing beyond her abilities to control it. She also started to fuck back to meet it as her hand drove it deep into her.Besides that movement, Becky's body began rocking from side to side on her mattress, and her head was tossing from side to side on her pillow."Oh! Oh my god!" Becky blurted out, as if in surprise that it felt so terrific, although she had fucked herself with her fingers many times and even used her hairbrush once. She knew such a change would be destructive to her clan. Bobbie had proven leadership qualities which weakened her own place as alpha, but lacked the necessary compassion. She also realized Bobbie had been working for years to hone her fighting ability just for this moment, and the challenger's intelligence in sussing out Kat's strategy easily equaled her own. The fragility of her dominance scared her and removed her usual cool bearing.Wolf restrained her and leaned into her ear and shushed.
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