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Connie, her casted legs were spread like that when... What 's going on with me? I am aroused! I can't believe it! My body is shattered and immobilized but despite that, I am aroused. What a miracle! I giggle. My left hand slips under the sheet.The hinges creak and the door opens. Dr. Conners enters. I flush, startled by the unexpected visit."How is my broken angel today?" he asks playfully."I don't see any angels here, just a tortoise lying helplessly on her back," I answer."Very smart, miss. 'Take your top off,' I tell her and immediately it's whipped off and tossed aside.'And my pink little short shorts?' she asks obediently. I tell her she can keep those on for the meantime and then proceed to yank her lithe body up agaisnt mine, coccooning the both of us within the bedsheets and drawing her into an erotic dance of lips and tongues. There's no mistaking her hardness pressing into my hip, one thigh wrapped around my leg. I suck and bite at her nipples rubbing the cold out of her. For the past two days, I have been working a total of 34 hours and desperately needing some sleep. I was informed we were going to watch a film for the next hour and 20 minutes in class, when I was appalled I had not completed an assignment which was to be due. I had the entire weekend, and I utterly forget. I was really worried I was going to have my teacher look at me with disdain and disgust. That was the last thing I needed. Instead, he called out my name in class and intentionally. We don’t have lots of dragonglass or Valyrian steel on us, so that leaves fire, that most basic of weapons. We’re going to have to fight ice with fire. That’s just all there is to it. Remember the plan ... and follow orders to the bitter end. Burn everything. Burn them all!”“Pull back ... pull back and light the tinder! Everyone, retreat and scorch the earth that we leave behind us! Burn it all ... burn them all! Burn everything and burn any and all stragglers!” the call came down the line of.
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