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She knew where she was and all that, but could not imagine why she suddenly felt so very blissful. Naturally the others wanted to know how she felt and what it was like.She couldn't speak too coherently, but she tried. "It hurt a lot at first. It really did. I never thought he would get the end inside me, and he did, and I just wanted to crawl away. I wanted him to stop, but he wouldn't, and then he pushed in further and I really tried to get away, but he held me tightly and I couldn't. And. But I didn't correct myself.Once everyone was gone, I went over and found Kimberly in the booth where the pictures come through and are processed. I asked her if she had enjoyed what she was looking at. Kimberly was shy at first and said she didn't know what I meant. I told her, I could see you staring at my pants, eying my hard cock. I got harder watching you staring, I told her.Kimberly looked at me, surprised, but then curious, she asked, really? I told her I was horny from her flirting. He then surprised me by taking my cock from her hand and put it in his mouth. I was so dammed horny by this time, that I didn’t care, and her face lit up even more. He then took my cock out of his mouth and started slowly stroking me as her very wet pussy was pounding down even harder on his cock and balls. This was the final thing it took for her to have a very big orgasm. She groaned very loudly and said in a hot voice ‘I’m going to cum’. He said ‘oh damm, me too’! Hearing them both say this,. I shivered in the cold and walked back inside. Lying on the bed, ready and waiting for you to return sounded more awkward than appealing, so I made my way to the window seat instead. Knees to chest, looking out the window I finally allowed my mind to settle on the significance of what was about to occur. I loved you in every way possible and then some, and yet as I sat in my lingerie, looking out at the stars, I couldn’t push away all the fears. I wanted this to be perfect for you. I knew if.
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